Ton Duc Thang University hosts conference on financial blockchain applications

Invest Global 08:45 30/06/2022

The International Conference on Blockchain and Advanced Financial Management at Ton Duc Thang University was held last week.

The International Conference on Blockchain and Advanced Financial Management at Ton Duc Thang University was held last week, with VIR as its media partner and the attendance of leading academics from across the globe.

Ton Duc Thang University hosts a session on the financial and banking applications of blockchain Dr. Ho Thanh Tung, representative of the Organising Committee, delivered a speech to welcome the conference

According to Le Long Giang, director of the Vietnam Financial Advisers Association (VFCA), the second most important technology in the world at the moment is blockchain. A powerful new extraction method is that has the potential to disrupt economic patterns and alter future markets.

“In developing economies, blockchain has the ability to propel them to new heights. Educators, researchers, technology transfer agents, and entrepreneurs all play key roles in this process. A fifth goal, which has just been launched, is that of universities as co-creators of sustainable development. University participation in such a process should be encouraged,” he emphasised.

Digital and blockchain technology, financial laws and norms, big data, financial markets and institutions in the age of technology, and fintech behaviour and performance were all on the agenda for the conference. Finance and economics-related subjects such as behavioural finance and business models were also discussed.

An additional workshop on blockchain applications in finance and banking was also organised during the event to open scientific collaboration between universities, institutions, and research centres in Vietnam and throughout the globe.

Ton Duc Thang University hosts a session on the financial and banking applications of blockchain A team of professors and doctors from international universities and Vietnamese experts attended the seminar

In addition, the workshop Application of Blockchain in Finance and Banking was held together with an exhibition of IT goods from universities and enterprises as part of the event's overall framework.

As a broader initiative sponsored by the Ministry of Finance, the workshop was co-hosted by Ton Duc Thang University's Faculty of Banking and Finance, the Centre for Digital Assets Management, and the VFCA.

Face-to-face and online seminars were arranged on June 23 and 24 with the help of academics from institutions throughout the globe, including the Faculty of Finance and Banking, the University of Science and Technology, and the University of Science and Technology.

Further, these institutions also included Ton Duc Thang University; Michigan State University; Sungkyunkwan University; Tomas Bata University in Zlín; Saxion University of Applied Sciences; Fengchia University; and Diponegoro University, including experts from Tago, Vconomics, Unicorn Fintech, and the Transfer Alliance.

An academic conference of this scope was conducted for the first time in Vietnam and attended by a significant number of industry professionals and researchers.

By Tuan Huong